

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Onion focaccia and corn bread. Yum!!!
I have made olive and herb focaccia bread before but never onion.
It was delicious.

I wanted to let you know where you can find me more often these days.  
 is quick, easy and a fun way to connect.  I usually post daily.

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I set the onion focaccia bread on this antique drying rack, If I remember
correctly I think its from Belgium.

 Cornbread in an long vintage bread basket and 
on French table linens in red and white.
 Reminds me of a summer picnic.
I also grabbed the same linen in blue and white. 

Recipes from the William Sonoma Baking Book.
I will be sharing more recipes from this cookbook. 

Be back soon
Have a beautiful day.

p.s. working on a new website and doing some updating around here,
so you might see some changes coming


  1. beautiful images and it all looks so yummy. i love williams sonoma. everything about it. just liked your fb page. have a wonderful day.

  2. Always a treat to visit.I love cornbread myself, looks delicious~Cheers Kim

  3. Looks delicious Lulu!!~ And I always love your photos, especially your food photography!!~
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  4. Everything looks so good...... The Cornbread...yummy... always love your photos.

  5. Oh I could live off things like that....hope your well! xo

  6. What beautiful photos. Just found your blog and love it. New Follower!


  7. Looks Yummy! Now I am hungry:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!
