

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Great mood in my kitchen tonight. 
Cooking, candles and music. Whats your favorite thing to do when you wind down from a hectic day? Burning my Chateau De La Chèvre D' Or what ever that means candle,
I can't pronounce it but I can smell it!!! Yummy...
Blog post coming next on how I like to display my family photos...

Have a wonderful night!


  1. So excited that you posted Lulu!!~
    How are you? You are too funny with the candle name. Hope all is well and I look forward to seeing how you display your family photos. I always have a hard time with this one.
    Take care.

  2. Hey girlie! I just want to thank you for your inspiration regarding school!! I just finished my first full year! yippee!! hope all is well with you~ such a pretty candle and yes, that's exactly how I LOVE to spend an evening!

  3. ooh sounds like a perfect evening!! xoxo

  4. I can't pronounce your candle, but it does sound good! Our unwind tonight was grilling out and eating on the patio at sunset. The evening was beautiful, and we don't do that often enough.

  5. Sounds like a perfect way to wind down the day... cooking, candles and music. That's a great combination.

  6. Castle of the Gold Goat! You might want to check out this link . . . http://www.chevredor.com/uk/index.php#index.php

    I like candles, too! At the end of a hectic day, just exhaling and relaxing with a little glass of wine . . . :)

  7. Bahahaaa….Oh, quelle jolie bougie! (hee hee…Oh, what a pretty candle!)

    : )

    Julie M.

  8. Beautiful - I adore candles! I always imagine winding down after a hard day, in a bath tub full of bubbles and surrounded by beautifully scented candles, but I have never actually been able to make this fantasy happen - always more clothes to wash or iron, children to comfort, meals to cook etc...sigh!
    Lovely image though!
    Paula xxx

  9. I love the smell of a beautiful candle. My current favorites are from Lollia. I have not tried the brand you show. I will need to try and find where to purchase them.

  10. Yes, I confirm it means "Castle of the Gold Goat", I can guarantee it, I am French. I searched on the Net, because I never heard about this Castle. It seems it belongs to the "Relais et Chateaux" organization. These are castles transformed in hotels and restaurants, and usually rather luxurious.
    So good for you! I am curious to know how this candle smells, hopefully not like a goat :-) Sorry, I am kidding. But anyway, the design is gorgeous.
    Thank you for this info. If I go back to France, I will try to get one like this...

  11. when I saw "Chevre" (goat!) I wondered how this candle would smell .....but as you say it is a wonderful smelling candle and that is all that matters...and sooo pretty!
    Have a great evening today and enjoy!

  12. Your blog is captivating! I have just spent way to long pouring over your gorgeous images and interesting posts. It has been too long since my last visit... I remember why I am a follower. I'll be back soon! Thanks for all the inspiration!
